Screens showing Voodoo Academy teachers, surrounded with graduating hats. books, and video icons.
Screens showing Voodoo Academy teachers, surrounded with graduating hats, books, and video icons.

Start making hit games today

Get started with the Voodoo Academy

We have created the Voodoo Academy program to support you in learning how to make hyper and hybrid-casual games, and making hits, directly with our Publishing Team.

The Voodoo Academy program

Fast-track your way to the top of the industry directly with our Publishing Team, with exclusive online courses, coaching sessions and financial rewards

How it works

What you’ll learn


The Voodoo Academy program offers various financial rewards and coaching sessions to support you and your future game studio


I already have experience in hyper-casual; can I still participate in the program?

Our Voodoo Academy program is reserved for developers or students with limited previous experience in hyper-casual. If you started recently in the industry, you are welcome to join. If you are already a seasoned hyper-casual, note that all studios working with Voodoo and registered to our Publishing Platform can access all Voodoo Academy online training content.

What are the criteria for participating in the Voodoo Academy program?

You need to be new in hyper-casual gaming, thus never having published (launched) a mobile game with Voodoo or another publisher, having started recently to build and test games.

How can I get financial rewards?

To get the financial rewards, you need to start prototyping on our publishing platform. The terms & conditions of the rewards will be detailed in the contract you will sign before testing prototypes.

You can get:

  • $300 for your first 3 prototypes tested: pick up $150 for your first prototype, and $150 for the third

  • $1,000 for a high-potential prototype as defined on our Publishing Platform. Example: $35c CPI, 25% D1 retention, 10-minute playtime

  • $200,000 minimum guaranteed for a game launched and confirmed

  • Dedicated weekly coaching by a Publishing Manager and recurring financial support for creating consistently strong prototypes

How long does the Voodoo Academy program take to complete?

The Voodoo Academy program is designed to last up to one year, with regularly uploaded training courses, multiple interactions with the Voodoo teams, and dedicated sessions with trainers. After the program, you will be able to keep working with the Voodoo teams as an official game-making studio.

Are all courses in English?

All online training content on the Voodoo Academy is in English, but participants will be able to receive coaching in English, French and Turkish from the launch. More languages will be added to both the online training platform and coaching sessions in due course.

Can we test prototypes on both iOS and Android?

The Academy includes training for developing games on both iOS and Android, and participants will be able to test prototypes on both OS.

Will I learn how to code on Unity, on the Voodoo Academy platform?

You won't, the program is targeted at people who already have a good knowledge of Unity. However, we will share links of external sources & tips to help you reinforce your knowledge of Unity.

Will I be able to discuss my prototypes with Voodoo experts during the program?

Of course, the objective of the program is to help you kick off in hyper-casual and reach the right level of execution. You will have the opportunity to interact with our experts in multiple formats, including one-on-one sessions.

Ready to learn?